PM Forni Got Beat Up a Lot in School

If he tried antics like what he advocates in his book, like this:
An example of the user-friendly advice in The Civility Solution for dealing with such sticky situations is "The SIR Sequence," Forni's shorthand for "state, inform and request." Namely:

• State the facts.
• Inform the other person of the impact he or she has had on you.
• Request that the hurtful behavior not be repeated.

"Do so politely, firmly, and unapologetically," Forni says. "And do it sooner rather than later. You will be more effective and won't have to dread doing it in the future."
For example, if someone cut in front of you in line at the supermarket, you can tell them that they did that, let you know that it pisses you off, and tell them to not do it again. By the time you do that, they've unloaded the cart and they won't have to do it again.

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