LOL at Stupid White Supremecists

So, apparently a neo-Nazi group thought they could pull the old switcheroo in delivering some free papers to Elkridge residents. They delivered about 40 papers in the area to residents and wrapped them in propaganda and promotional materials for their supremacy group.
When Gail Sigel of Elkridge picked up a copy of Howard County Issues on her front lawn on Aug. 3, she was shocked to find what it was wrapped in: a one-page circular that blamed Jews for slavery in America and urged readers to "join the people who are fighting to make a safer future for white children."

She wasn't the only one upset by the circular.

Mona Brinegar, publisher of Howard County Issues, a quarterly of local opinion, said she was angered by the neo-Nazi group's use of her publication.

" 'Horrified' comes to mind," Brinegar said.

The circular was produced by the National Socialist Order of America -- Maryland chapter, based in Elkridge. The National Socialist Order of America is identified on various Web sites as a neo-Nazi organization recently formed after a split with the National Socialist Movement.

Members of the group had taken the newspapers from a local library and then wrapped the circulars around them, according to Tim Brand, a group spokesman.

Why 40? That's the best you could do? 40? That's pitiful, lazy, or both. That's not a campaign. There are more people that get a sno-ball in Elkridge each day than that. And the rationale for doing this is simply brilliant (sarcastic).

Brand said the circulars were sent out as part of a recruitment effort the group steps up over the summer.

"It picks up during the summer because we have better weather," Brand said of the recruitment efforts.

"Every time we do a drop like that we'll get some complaints but about five or 10 people will write us letters (of interest)," Brand said.

What idiot would read this flier and suddenly determine that their hatred is so strong that they have to join a group of other hate-filled people?

And I suppose that the group must hate the cold, too, because they're too lazy to recruit in the winter time. Nicer weather means better conditions for hate-mongering. I did not know that.

You mean to tell me that a group of lazy, stupid, hate-filled people actually GAIN members from such a stunt?

This is way dumber than a Choose Civility car magnet. At least the magnets won't get soggy in the rain, run ink, etc. And who reads the Howard County Issues anyway? In Spaceballs, the famous quote is that "evil will win because good is dumb." Might want to check that.


Anonymous said...

You suck!

(That's just a'll get worse.)

As for the Nazis, it's hard to keep the hate going for long periods at a time. They're kinda like cheetahs that way. I'm sure they were pumped when they started -- "yeah, jews suck! whitey rulz!!!1!!" -- but after a canvassing a couple blocks the hate wore off and they probably all went to get sno-balls.

Anonymous said...

Who reads Howard County Issues? Apparently you do.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:55- I am really confused by your comment. Did someone ask who reads Howard County Issues? I don't think that anyone asked that.

Btw, reading *about* Howard County Issues on Explore Howard is not the same as actually reading Howard County Issues.

Anonymous said...


Read the final paragraph in the post.

And he also described his feelings on the content in the good/evil line - That info didn't come from ExplHow. He read it.

Good isn't dumb, it's just not as gluttonous regarding power, money, and ego (win win win!!!). The measurement is all wrong.

While I agree with the premise of the civility bent, this venue is a tad too hostile, even for me.

Anonymous said...

Howard County is a rip off county, tax, tax,tax. The library sucks too. I am from NY, and you guys are nothing.

Waggle Room Ryan said...

Actually it all came from Explore Howard, dude. You really are having trouble reading hypertext links. This blog may be a bit beyond you.

Thanks for coming by, though!

Anonymous said...

You have one group who agrees with you (the Nazi's):

That's what happens when you're hostile. It's all in the company you keep, DUDE.

Waggle Room Ryan said...

Seriously, reading comprehension, my friend. That's all I can keep reiterating to you.